Dr. Sonja Deppe

Coordinator FOR 5022
Research Assistant SP 8
Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine
University of Goettingen
Room 1.107
Humboldtallee 36
37073 Goettingen
Phone: +49(0)551 39 69309
E-Mail: sonja.deppemed.uni-goettingende
Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine
‘At the centre of my research are temporal structures - in the field of experience, in metaphysics, with regard to the question of a good life and in connection with the description and analysis of psychodiversity. My way of working is characterised by the conscious linking of discourses from different scientific traditions and ways of thinking. In the central and integration project, I am working on bringing together the knowledge acquired in FOR 5022 to form an overarching picture of temporal structures of the good life in the context of medicine.’